Thursday, 22 November 2012

Loving the Library

   Growing up, my mum always encouraged me to read and regularly took me to the library to find new and exciting stories. So for me, there's nothing quite like seeing your own book on the shelf in the library! Fab!
   The second biggest thrill is looking at their online catalogue and realising that it's actually out on loan!

    So...authors...have you applied for Public Lending Rights yet?
Public Lending Rights mean that you are entitled to a small payment either each time your book is taken out of the library, or simply if a library owns your book. To qualify, you should be named on the book's title page or be entitled to a royalty payment from the publisher (you do not necessarily have to own the copyright). To find out out more visit the website

To use the supermarket quote - 'Every Little Helps' - so apply today!

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